I am just SO excited about my new Turning Point Triangle Scarf crochet pattern for my upcoming crochet along (CAL)! I absolutely loved working it up and feeling the Yummy Yarn (pun literally intended) glide through my fingers as I worked each stitch. I used all three color options of The Hook Nook Yummy Tweed yarn for my sample, but wanted to give you guys other color options to explore as well as we prepare for the launch of the CAL. (Did you miss the announcement of this exciting event?! Click here to read all about it.)

Something that I really love about my new collection is three of the yarns are essentially the same base which allows them to be easily substituted in designs. The three yarns with similar bases are Yummy, Yummy Luxe and Yummy Tweed (check out the detailed post featuring allllllll the new yarns by reading this post).
I assembled a handful more color options for you to consider when creating your own Turning Point Triangle Scarf. Even better? Mix and match the different kinds of Yummy for a super unique design! Let me know in the comments here or in my most recent social media post on Instagram or Facebook which color option is YOUR favorite!!

You can currently find all of the yarn online at my shop! Which colors will YOU choose?!