Not only is today the first day of my new crochet-along (CAL) making my Turning Point Triangle Scarf, but today is also the day that The Hook Nook yarn is available in my online shop and all of your favorite (sold out) products have been restocked in time for Christmas! Want to pause this and head straight to the shop to snag some yarn before it's sold out and so it can be delivered in time for Christmas?! Go do that NOW and then come back here to read the first part of the pattern!
Want a refresh or some info on what this CAL is all about? Be sure to check out the CAL Details post!
So, again, this project is kind of a really amazing opportunity in what it can provide to each of us, if we allow it to fulfill that role. While I create projects, I don't have names in mind until after the final end is woven in and I have a moment to reflect on it. This time the name stood out to me like a flashing billboard - Turning Point. As I worked each stitch I was overwhelmed with so many feelings. Creating this project was the first time I was able to sit down to crochet in about a month because life and work was requiring me to put my hook on hold for a bit.

I sat in my chair in my office and worked stitch after stitch, row after row. Sometimes I'd work in silence with only the hum of the heater and the presence of Bas, my pet ball python, to keep my company. Sometimes I'd play music that spoke to my soul. Sometimes I'd play music that made me get up and do a dance solo. Sometimes I'd binge watch Gossip Girl (how have I literally never finished the series and I've been watching it for five years now...). No matter how I curated my space for creativity, I found myself able to explore ideas and process some difficult things that I've been going through.
I know I've mentioned this several times if you've been around awhile, but I'll say this again for the new folk. For me, crocheting is more than just a craft or a hobby. The physical act of crocheting allows my hands to remain busy through muscle movement and memory, allowing my mind to "let go" and run amuck through all of the things that have been building up. From the family dynamics, to the personal traumas, to the daily stressors, to what I need to do next week for the kids... the literal act of crocheting or knitting or making allows me to "unravel" and is part of my self-care.

As you work your own Turning Point Triangle Scarf, I want you to give yourself the allowance of exploring. Exploring your thoughts, exploring your memories, exploring yourself as a human being.. We are about to enter not only a new year, but an entirely new decade. Sure, we can choose to allow ourselves to let the new year come and go as easily as a new day, or we can choose to let it hold more importance and priority and allow it to be an external opportunity to grow ourselves and experience a little bit of uncomfort for the gain of perspective.
So, let's get started, shall we?!
(Note: to read all of the materials needed for this project as well as additional information, check out the CAL Details post)
-220 yds (1 skein) The Hook Nook Yummy Tweed - Cookies & Cream (Color A)
-165 yds (1 skein) The Hook Nook Yummy Tweed - Precious Metals (Color B)
-130 yds (2 skeins) The Hook Nook Yummy Tweed - Dusty Rose (Color C)
-Size K/6.5mm The Hook Nook Designer Crochet Hook
-The Hook Nook Iridescent Ends Weaver
CH : chain
HDC : half double crochet
HDCINC : half double crochet increase - place two HDC sts in one st to increase number of sts in row by one
st(s) : stitch(es)
sp : space
Sl St : slip stitch
Using Color A, CH 2.
- In 2nd CH from hook, [3 HDC, CH 3, 3 HDC]. (6)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next two sts, (HDC, CH 3, HDC) in CH-3 sp, HDC in next two sts, HDCINC in last st. (10)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next four sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next four sts, HDCINC in last st. (14)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next six sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next six sts, HDCINC in last st. (18)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next eight sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next eight sts, HDCINC in last st. Finish off, weave in ends. (22)
Using Color B, attach to last st made using Sl St. CH 1, turn.
- HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next ten sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH03 sp, HDC in next ten sts, HDCINC in last st. (26)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next twelve sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next twelve sts, HDCINC in last st. Finish off, weave in ends. (30)
Using Color C, attach to last st made using Sl St. CH 1, turn.
- HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next fourteen sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next ten sts, HDCINC in last st. (34)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next eighteen sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next twelve sts, HDCINC in last st. (38)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next fourteen sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next fourteen sts, HDCINC In last st. (42)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next sixteen sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next sixteen sts, HDCINC in last st. (46)
- CH 1, turn, HDCINC in 1st st, HDC in next eighteen sts, [HDC, CH 3, HDC] in CH-3 sp, HDC in next eighteen sts, HDCINC in last st. Finish off, weave in ends. (50)

Now that you've worked the first three sections of this scarf, explore where your thoughts led you and, in your downtime, expand on those thoughts through journaling, prayer, talking with a friend/family member/therapist.. If you've found yourself to explore new goals, what are steps you can take to help you achieve those things? If you've found yourself to explore traumas and pain, know that you are enough just as you are and it's ok to seek help to process your feelings. If you've found yourself to sit in gratefulness, allow those emotions to dwell within you and deeply move you..
We are all works in progress, give yourself enough grace and flexibility to work that all out and grow your perspective. Just as each project takes one stitch at a time, we also take one healing moment at a time.
And you're worth the hard work.
See you next Monday for Week Two of our CAL! Be sure to hop into the shop to snag some goodies while they're stocked!!