I am soooo excited to be sharing a new pattern with you guys! It has been SO long since I've been in a space where I could take those efforts, so this specific blanket has me all kinds of grateful and proud. <3
No, this isn't a sponsored post. Yes, there are affiliate links (thank you for supporting me and my business!!). No, I didn't get this yarn for free. Yes, I loved every single minute of how this blanket was created. I have slowly been reintroducing things to myself that brought me genuine joy and recreating the narrative that they may have looked like before. Like, crocheting was something I was able to do for myself in amidst busy days and forced me to sit down and enjoy my own company. However, my daily life looks a lot different now and I have more "sit down time" than I had before which makes the appreciation for it much different. My "sit down time" has actually become something I prevent at all costs because it reminds me of the changes my life has endured so I have chosen to fill them up as much as possible.
However, as time continues to go on, I am realizing that it just isn't healthy for me to prevent my mind from sitting in thoughts. It isn't healthy for me to avoid spending time in solitude, as someone who valued that time previously. It isn't healthy for me to stagnate my own life in an attempt to keep the next painful stage of healing at bay. So, I decided to pick up my hook again. Though I used to really enjoy making clothing, I needed something less complex and much more mindless in creation.
I've always loved the camel stitch because it looks WAY more complicated than it is and adds a fun texture in a very simplistic way. Basically, you're only doing half-double crochet stitches for each row, that's it. But instead of placing your stitches at the top of the previous row's stitch like you'd normally do, you work the stitch into the third loop that's located on the wrong-side of the previous row's half-double crochet stitch. In doing so, it pushes the top of the previous row's stitch out creating a ribbed look when working it all across the row. Pretty cool, right?!
I also really wanted to make something cozy, something I could cuddle with. When I took myself to my local JOANN store, I looked at all of the size 5 and 6 yarns because, honestly, using larger yarns to make a blanket really makes the project go by quicker. Ha! I had found this Big Twist Cuddle yarn and fell IN LOVE with the Gold color. It's such a perfect mustard color and is incredibly soft. It has a slightly different texture than Bernat Blanket yarn which I am much more familiar with, so this was cool to try something new. For those that aren't familiar, Big Twist is a JOANN-exclusive yarn and, in the last several years I've had the opportunity to be affiliated with them, they have been able to release SO many incredible yarns at fantastically affordable prices. Plus, there's usually sales going on PLUS coupons and we're golden. If you live near a JOANN location or are able to order online, I highly recommend trying this product out. 10/10 would use again.

So, without further adieu, it's time for you to meet Tristan!!
Yarn : 1100yds (5 skeins) Big Twist Cuddle yarn in color Gold - 100% polyester, wt 6
Hook : N/10mm
Tapestry needles
sts : stitches
Ch : chain
HDC : half-double crochet
Ch 1 does not count as a stitch through entirety of pattern.
We will be working our HDC stitches in the 3rd loop, also known as the Camel Stitch. Never done this stitch before? Don’t worry, boo. I got you.
The Camel Stitch is essentially identical to half double crochet. To create a camel stitch, you will work half double crochet stitches as normal, but just in a different area of the previous row’s stich. Instead of working your stitches through both loops on the top of the stitch (the “V”), you can find the third loop on the wrong side of the stitch, just below the “V”. By working in this loop, it pushes the “V” forward, imitating knit stitches.

Ch 112.
- Starting in the 2nd Ch from hook, HDC across. (111)
- Ch 1, turn, HDC in the 3rd loop across. (111)
- Repeat Step 2 until your piece measures 60", or until desired length.
- Finish off, weave in ends.

Ta da!! I am so happy I finally found myself with yarn and a hook back in my hand and am able to share it with you! I'd love to see your recreations of the Tristan Blanket on social media. Don't forget to use #thehooknook, #thehooknookers and #handmadewithjoann so not only I can see, but everyone else also!
Happy making, my friends!!