Sooo.. in seventh grade I became obsessed with words. My language arts teacher would offer extra credit to kids if they completed their assignments in class. Cool, right?!
As a student who put all of her focus into school for many different reasons and seeking approval from authority figures, YOU KNOW I was after that extra credit. My teacher would offer word search worksheets for five points of extra credit. Soon it became a personal goal to always get the extra credit because I, honestly, fell in love with word searches AND wanted an A+.
Long story short, at the end of the school year I had earned 105% in that language arts class and was seriously bummed when none of my other teachers ever offered word searches as extra credit. Ha!
Anyway, I had the idea to bring word searches back into my life because I just simply love them and figured you might also! Starting today, I am so excited to let you know that we will be sharing monthly word searches here on the blog and made sure they were easy to print. Each month will have a different theme and hopefully give you a few moments of solace with your highlighter (or crayon, or pencil, or ballpoint pen... I just like highlighters).
Are you ready?!
Let's do this!
Directions on how to print the above word search:
- Click on the image above.
- Click on Download and save.
- Open up file on your device and print.
- Boom. Done.
I hope you love these word searches as much as I do!! Come back next month for a new one!