Hey everyone!
We have had SO much fun connecting with Makers from all around the world in our new Maker series here on THNLife Blog, since February when we launched this new website and blog. It has been INCREDIBLE to showcase talented and wonderful people and bring us all closer together.
As of today, we are excited to announce a new series we will be hosting - Creatives Interview series! Each month, we will be chatting with two special Creatives (not necessarily Makers!) and exploring their journeys, gaining some of their insights and just getting to know them a little bit more!
To kick off this series, I am BEYOND ecstatic to introduce you all to a woman who really needs no introduction, Krysten Ritter.

From starring in some of our favorite movies and tv shows, to now being one badass Marvel superhero, Krysten has really worked hard to create this incredible life! Throughout her years of being an actress, she’s also become a multi-faceted entrepreneur by stepping out of her comfort zone and trying new things. She’s the epitome of what hard work, dedication, and inner growth can lead to.
Let’s get started!
1. So, we are all completely aware of how seriously badass you are after watching TWO seasons of Jessica Jones, and a third season on the way. But, who is Krysten behind the scenes, in between takes and in the real world? Describe the real Krysten to us!
Well, I’m certainly not as cool or as tough as Jessica Jones! I’m very optimistic and more fun but also very hard working. While I’m very serious about my work and I’m often described as a chronic over-achiever, I also love to laugh and joke around with the crew in between takes. That’s really important to me. I also try to lift people up and inspire people to give it their all and make sure everyone is having a positive experience given that we all work so many hours a week.
2. I've seen how generous you are with gifting your knits to friends. Have you ever made something that was incredibly hard to actually give away?
I LOVE making things for other people. It’s my favorite thing to do and lets be honest, at a certain point you just don’t have room in the house to keep everything! But yes, there have been a few sweaters where even my boyfriend says “you have to keep that for yourself!” - So I do!
3. You've had the incredible opportunity to work with several yarn brands, fibers, etc. What are you favorite yarns to work with? Do you have any specific fibers or brands you're giddy to get your hands on?!
I ALWAYS get excited for yarn! I love working with fabric yarn for rugs and baskets and I love a really special hand spun hand dyed yarn. It’s funny because in my life I’m all black everything - but when it comes to yarn I go nuts for fun colors! There’s just something so fun about knitting or crocheting with like, HOT PINK!!

4. Now, other than being a full time knitter, if you weren't an actress, what other careers might you have chosen to try out?
I have multiple careers going now and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m a creative person and I thrive in settings where I can express myself and collaborate with other creative people. Simply put, I love creating things from the ground up, whether it’s acting and creating a character, producing and creating worlds from scratch, writing my novel, and even knitting and crocheting gives me that same excitement and sense of accomplishment.
5. Unless anyone has been living under a rock, it's quite clear as to how much you love your little pup babe, Mikey. How did he end up in your life?! Have you ever knitted or crocheted anything for him? If so, did he enjoy wearing it? Or was he like one of those memes where the dogs were clearly unimpressed?
Mikey was a rescue who was found hit by a car when he was a puppy in Los Angeles. My girlfriend found him, took him to the vet to be stitched up, and sent out an email looking for a home for him. I scooped him up right away and nursed him back to health. He’s been by my side (or on my lap) ever since! He LOVES all my knitting projects and with out fail, if I get up for whatever reason, I come back and he’s sitting on it. He loves everything I make him and he’s the best little sidekick/model for all of my projects.
6. You and your sister are so cute together! By watching your Instagram, it's clear to see how much fun you guys have together and how close you two are. What is your favorite thing about having your sister around to support you during all of these amazing things that keep coming your way? Do you feel like she balances you out?
Bailey is my rock and my best friend. She’s been a part of my entire, now twenty year career - so she’s been there for all the ups and downs and she sees first hand just how hard I work and how NOT glamorous it all can be. I love, more than anything, when I can teach her things and expose her to things that she wouldn’t necessarily be exposed to in the small town where we are from. She learns a lot by observing how I handle business and I really love setting a good example for her about hard work and how to be a badass boss lady while still leading with grace. She’s in college now and is going to come live with me as my executive assistant over the summer because I will have multiple projects going and it’s a busy time. I can’t wait to have her with me and I know she’s going to learn so much.
7. If you could describe your ultimate Maker experience, what would it be? What would your dream opportunity be? Hidden away in a cabin in the forest? Or snuck into a corner table at your local coffeehouse? In bed in your pajamas with Mikey by your side? What would you be drinking? Eating?
My favorite day off would be sitting on the couch with Mikey and watching some tube while I knit away.
8. Which do you love more? Knitting or crochet?
It’s so hard to choose!!! I love knitting garments because it just drapes so nicely for clothes and sweaters but I love crochet too because it’s so fast and I love that instant gratification. It really depends on what the yarn calls for! But I love both so much.
9. Your costars are all aware and in support of your on-set knitting habits.. have they ever asked you to make something for them? Have you?
I make them all so much stuff. I think Rachael Taylor has 3 sweaters from me, Carrie Anne too, and I have also given tons of things to Carrie Anne’s 8 year old daughter - who also knits!! She’s such a special little kid and I just have such a soft spot for her. I’ve made Mike Colter scarves and baby blankets, same goes for our crew-members! I like to make the JJ snood for people (men included) and pretty much anytime someone on the crew is expecting a baby they get a blanket.
10. If you could only make one type of project for the rest of your life, what would it be? Sweaters? Scarves? Blankets? Orrrr...?
I really like making sweaters so if I HAD to choose that’s what I would make forever.
11. Now, I'm gonna try and tap into a bit of your heart. Bare with me.. For many creatives out there, their hobbies have helped them through dark times, have rekindled love for themselves and have helped calm their depression and anxieties. Has knitting or crochet acted as a healing source for you?
For sure, especially after Jessica Jones season one. The show is very dark and season one was especially dark because we were dealing with very traumatic subject matter… so that can become a heavy headspace to live in. Knitting gives me a great balance and makes me happy and I think makes me an even stronger multi-tasker.

12. How long have you been knitting? Were you taught by a family member? Friend? Self taught? Tell me your Maker story!
My Grammy taught me when I was little! And from there, I’m pretty much self taught. Youtube is the best for tutorials on new stitches. Also just diving into a pattern that’s slightly out of your comfort zone helps you learn and get better. I prefer working without a pattern and designing my own things but sometimes it doesn’t always work out so well and you need a pattern. Because I’m always on the go, the “winging it” approach is more conducive to my busy lifestyle.
13. Do you have any other hobbies outside of yarn and being one badass superhero? Tell me about them!
I’m lucky in that I’ve made all my hobbies my job! I act and produce and write and play guitar and of course knit and crochet. So I never feel like I’m actually ever working J
14. Let's play the grateful game. Can you tell me five things about life right now that you are grateful for? Tell me!
Mikey, Adam, my best friends, my house, my career, my health…. Oh that’s 6! J thanks for interviewing me!

As if we didn't love Krysten already, it sure amplifies the amount to see how wonderful and down-to-earth she is. Her love for her pup, Mikey, her ambition in her career avenues, and her overall smiley and giggly self all make this woman someone I wish was my real life friend!
Thank you SO much to Krysten for taking time out of her incredibly busy schedule to answer a few questions and share a bit more of herself with our creative community. Be sure to check out her Marvel series, Jessica Jones, exclusively on Netflix as well as her book, Bonfire, available on Amazon! You can also check out her Instagram where she shares a whole lot more!