They're here! They're here!! THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!
Botties DIY shoes have finally made their way to the United States from Germany and are waiting to go home to you! Now that the preordered pairs are finally arriving in mailboxes this week, I wanted to make sure I got all of this information online as soon as possible to help encourage creative inspiration for these new and incredible products. I canNOT wait to see what kinds of shoes everyone makes!!
But, first let me share all of the basics with you so you can begin playing around. Botties sent over this translated version of information to help new customers learn how to use these items. You can find tips and tricks to use ANY kind of yarn below AND more patterns are being translated as we speak so expect more soon! If you are interested in creating a new and unique design using YOUR Botties, please reach out and let us know so we can help share your design and continue to grow the Botties community here in North America. :)
What you need to get started:
- Botties DIY shoe sole
- Botties DIY shoe insole (wool felt or latex foam)
- Botties Round 0 yarn
You can purchase all of these items in my online shop!
Read more information and details about Botties in my other blog post - click here!

Soooo, what do you think?! You ready to make your own DIY shoes?!
Head over to the shop to snag your soles, insoles and Round 0 yarn!! If your size is sold out, don't worry!! I have more coming, they're just on a boat and that takes a little while to make it all the way over here. But feel free to snag another size to make a pair for your friend, loved one or just because they're literally amazing. <3
Stay creative, my friends!