Happy International Women’s Day to all of my strong, independent and empowered friends out there!
I wanted to take a short moment to embellish a bit on what this day means to me this year. Over the past several years, this day has meant nothing to me. “Woohoo, I’m a woman but that’s not worth celebrating.” That’s what I’d think to myself. But this year feels so, so different.
Last year in my business I spent much of it working privately with yarn brands on exclusive patterns. I had a BLAST and loved exploring new fibers, networking with incredible people and allowing myself a bit more of a ‘relaxed’ approach to my creativity. Being able to work behind the scenes really allowed me time to rest, enjoy my craft again, and learn new things. I’m very grateful for everything that happened in 2017!

As the year went on and we were creeping up on 2018, I felt antsy. I felt anxious, overwhelmed, confused and not sure of what The Hook Nook would look like in the coming months, let alone what it would look like far out in the future. I had chosen to step back from my commitments and contracts so I could focus on myself and my designs, but could NOT shake this heavy feeling of uncertainty. I knew I wanted to build up The Hook Nook, but I knew I wanted it to look a little different than the normal designer path. I just had not a single clue what that would be.
After speaking with a few people about my idea about this website, we chose to move forward. After putting out a Maker Call and hearing from SO MANY of you, seeing a need in the community and hearing the amazing feedback about just simply the IDEA of what we wanted to do with the new site, I knew down to my bones that this was right. This was what I had spent years preparing for. The team and I spent a good few months talking with many of you, coordinating with the Featured Makers, working with the team at Talewind Visuals in creating this dream website, and even worked a total of 26 hours in two days while I was in San Diego during the days leading up to launch. Watching everyone involved work so hard to allow this idea of mine to come true was so incredible.
During this process, I learned so much about myself and those around me. I learned that I’m strong, focused and can do anything I set my mind to. I learned that asking for help only makes things better. I learned that I can be taught things that I was too afraid of learning, and can do them well (for someone who has NO familiarity with technical stuff, this girl learned how to do all the blogger things, how to manage my website and how to truly learn the ins and outs of doing this all professionally and responsibly). I learned that God has a plan for me and feeling that stir of needing to do something ‘bigger’ may have led to long days and even longer nights, but it also led to something so meaningful and intentional and I’m so glad I listened. Waking up to messages and comments about how Featured Makers are so appreciative of being able to contribute, how readers are encouraged by these Makers’ stories, how other content on the blog has helped them grow their own side hustle, and, most of all, the comments sent privately to me simply lending some words of encouragement and love.

Guys, let me tell you something..
I feel like I’m in a continual state of growth and sometimes that means moments and seasons of feeling incompetent, anxious, worried and just like an overall failure. I’ve had moments where I question everything I’m doing and dwell on the idea that maybe I did the wrong thing, that maybe everything I’m hopeful for is actually not meant to happen, but it’s crazy. The exact moments these thoughts start to pop up and find a moment to settle in, many of you may sense that and quickly shoot me notes of how I have encouraged them, or inspired them. That being featured fueled them and allowed them to feel a sense of worth. THIS. THIS, YOU GUYS. These feelings that you all are experiencing is EXACTLY what I want to do with my life. And because several people chose to say yes and help me achieve these goals, countless others are positively affected in a deep, and impactful way. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve just sat, stared at my phone, prayed and thanked God for this opportunity to be a light and felt so insanely loved. THANK YOU.
Today’s celebration of women means a lot to me this year. I am empowered by the women (and men) who choose to stand beside me. I am confident in who I am and all that I am capable of doing. I know that I am worthy and was built with purpose and intent. I am grateful for all of the women surrounding me, as well as those who have come before me, all showing me that being a woman is a gift. Being able to work hard to break these molds about women being weak or destined for a life in the kitchen is AMAZING. We, humans, have such strength and when we come together and work together to better the big picture and better the lives of those around us, miracles happen. I am indebted to each of you and so humbled to just simply know you. You all have inspired me to be the best version of myself and to pass on the inspiration to others.

Thank you to everyone who has played a role in my story, both big and small, both negative and positive. I wouldn’t be where or who I am today without each and every single moment of my life. Happy International Women’s Day to all of the ladies and gents out there who are all working hard to be a powerhouse of encouragement and empowerment. Thank you for changing my life for the better. Let us never stop learning, never stop encouraging and never forget about how beneficial it is to better the lives of others. Let’s make countless miracles happen this year, as a team.
Cheers, my friends!